Tales of Women invites viewers to explore diverse portrayals of women in the modern world plagued by eternal struggles: some embody a serene stillness, while others carry restless burdens. The exhibition’s title, “Tales of Women,” also hints at an open interpretation – each painting is a clue to a narrative that each artist has the key to but that we can witness by subtly peering through. They’re left ajar, and we peek at scenes that often strike an impression of our own. Through their work, these artists navigate the boundaries of female identity, adeptly conveying women’s deep-seated desires and hopes.
Rose Barberat | Shiqing Deng | Celia Lees | Nianxin Li | Okokume | Gabriel Rico | Alexander Skats | Mark Whalen
Opening Reception on 14 August (Sat) from 3 to 7 pm
Gallery address: 20/F, Landmark South, 39 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang