Siu Wai Hang primarily engages with photography. His work makes use of different methods and photographic principles to express Siu’s solicitude for the society and his contemplation on the medium. Local history threads Siu’s practice and is the vessel through which he uncovers the values of Hong Kong. He is interested in depicting landscape and object for they connect people with collective memories. The subject matters are coupled with his take on the nature and strength of photography, highlighting the encounter between traditional photography and contemporary digital work.
“Since the year before the city has entered a state of absurdity. Major transitions crept into individual experiences and the larger systems as preposterous doings pervaded the city. As suggested by photojournalist Don Mccullin’s eponymous autobiography, the atrocity of war goes beyond the plight and misery of the moment to inflict hearts with eternal disquietness.”
Gallery address: 14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre, No.2 Harbour Road, Wan Chai